Recent years, herbal medicine is becoming more and more popular on curing diseases. The reason why this medicine is accepted by many people is that it’s natural without any side effects like drug resistance and kidney damages. To cure prostatitis , herbal medicine called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a great choice. So, how does this pill work on prostatitis? First, it can penetrate into prostate because of a guiding herb. Commonly, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill works slowly while leading herb can reduce the treating period. On account that the channel ushering drug can lead other herbs to work on inflammatory part directly. Thus, the penetration speed can be increased. Second, it has no drug resistance. It’s made of herbs, it won’t do harm to your body. So it’s suitable to take this medicine during a long treating course. Patients don’t need to worry about anything. Third, it has no side-effects. Unlike antibiotic treatment, when treating disease with herbal medicine,...