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Showing posts from May, 2016

Methods for Bacterial Prostatitis

Bacterial prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate which is infected by bacteria. Patients with this disease have to live with a series of annoying discomfort such as painful and burning urination, urinary frequency and urgency, high fever and chills , pain and swelling in the perineum and anus. Some patients can also have blood in semen. In order to get rid of these symptoms, it’s important to find an efficient method to cure it radically. Here are three alternative methods that can cure bacterial prostatitis.                                                                                            The western medicine treatment    Antibiotics are the most common treatment in western medicine. But not all kinds of bacteria and virus can be killed by the same antibiotics. In the first place, the patients are suggested to do prostatic fluid cultures to find the original bacterial which lead to the bacterial prostatitis, and then they are suggested to be made the drug sensitive

Hrebal Medicine Can Be Used For Prostatitis

Prostatitis  is an infection of the prostate gland. Men of all ages can be infected by this disease. Unlike other diseases, prostatitis is an symptomatic disease. Patients with this disease can suffer from many discomfort that beyond our imagination. The series of symptoms include urinary frequency and urgency, painful and burning urination, pain in the pelvis and genital areas, insomnia and depression. Antibiotics are commonly used to cure this disease, however, we can’t ignore the side effects of this kind of medicine. In order to avoid the side effects, I will introduce a new herbal medicine which is called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to you.   The you may wonder that what is the Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill? What is the difference between it and antibiotics? Antibiotics are a type of antimicrobial which are used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infection in west. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, invented by Wuhan herbalist Dr. Lee Xiaoping, is also n

It's Important To Know The Full Information About Nonbacterial Prostatitis

Nonbacterial prostatitis refers to the prostatitis which is not infected by bacteria. It’s the most common prostatitis syndrome. Abnormal number of inflammatory cells can be found in the secretion of prostate but bacterial culture or other methods cannot find the pathogenic bacteria. Here are the details about nonbacterial prostatitis, after reading the article, you will learn more about this disease.     Nonbacterial prostatitis causes: Researchers assume that chlamydia may have something to do with nonbacterial prostatitis. However, there's no enough proof to confirm the obvious causality between the two through bacteriology or serology. Some researchers consider that nonbacterial prostatitis is actually a immunological disease, furthermore, only other specific prostatitis are excluded can we diagnose this disease. In fact, causes of nonbacterial prostatitis are not made certain. Whether chlamydia trachomatis is the pathogen is a controversial view. Whereas, forty percent of no

Necrospermia: Enemy of Male Fertility

Necrospermia   is a male disease which refers to the mortality rate is more than 40%. The death of a large number of sperms can affect the sperm quality, thus lead to infertility in men. It’s one of the problems that can influence male fertility. Though this disease won’t bring much physical torture to men, the mental pressure and anxiety can severely affect their life. So, what kinds of men can get necrospermia easily? After reading this article, you will find the answer and know how to prevent this disease. Four kinds of men who can get necrospermia easily:   1. Men who have multiple sex partners will get inflammation of reproductive organs easily . Once the reproductive organs are infected, the PH in the semen will change so that vitality of sperm will be affected. It can also lead to the vasectomy blockage, thus result in the damage of output of sperm. Then lead to necrospermia .     2. Men who live in big city and often take in automobile exhaust. Automobile exhaust is to b

Medication Treatments For patients With Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial cystitis  (IC)is a rare disease that belongs to chronic cystitis. Both men and women can be infected by this disease while middle-aged women have the highest morbidity. The main characteristic of this disease is the fibrosis of the bladder wall, and along with the decrease of bladder capacity. The main symptoms are urinary frequency and urgency, swelling and pain in the bladder area. The symptoms usually can last for more than one year.  How to cure the interstitial cystitis? Before answering this question, it is important for us to figure out the causes of IC. Although the exact causes of interstitial cystitis are still unknown, some researches show that the factors like autoimmune reaction, heredity, infection or allergy are all possible causes of interstitial cystitis.  Therefore, anti-inflammatory drugs become the most commonly treatment for interstitial cystitis. Here is a brief introduction of 4 commonly anti-inflammatory drugs for interstitial cystitis. Diuretic an

Herbal Medicine for Patients with Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis

Chronic nonbacterial  prostatitis , which is also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome, is a common disease among young men. The morbidity of this disease is about 40%.  Men with this disease can suffer from much discomfort which beyond our imagination. The physical and mental torture can severely affect patients’ life and work. As we know, once the disease developed into a chronic type, it will be more difficult to be cured, so what is the most effective treatment for chronic bacteria prostatitis ?   Nowadays, antibiotics are commonly used to cure  prostatitis . This kind of medicine has quick effect and can eliminate the symptoms in a short time. However, many patients may find that antibiotics can not take effect if used for a long period because of the drug resistance or the disease cannot be cured permanently. In fact, not all types of prostatitis can be cured by antibiotics. As we all known, antibiotics are mainly used to cure the diseases which are caused by all sorts of bacte

Curing Benign Prostate Hyperplasia with Natural Remedies

Benign prostatic hyperplasia  is one of the common diseases in old males. It’s a benign lesion of prostate. The pathogenesis is related to the disorder of androgen and estrogen balance in the body. Patients with this disease can have a series of annoying symptoms such as urinary frequency and urgency , need to urinate a lot at night, the time of urination lengthen, enlarged prostate, blood in urine, etc. It can severely affect their life. In order to relieve the symptoms and avoid the side effects of antibiotics, here are the natural remedies that can be used to treat the disease.    Saw Palmetto Saw palmetto, an herbal remedy that comes from a type of palm tree, is used in traditional medicine for centuries to relieve urinary symptoms, including those caused by an enlarged prostate. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a few small-scale studies have suggested that saw palmetto might be effective for relieving BPH symptoms. Rye Grass Pollen Extract Rye grass pollen ex

How Can Chronic Prostatitis Cause Infertility in Men?

As we know, prostate is the biggest affiliated sexual gland of men. It plays an important role in male reproductive system. Its secretion of prostate fluid is the composition of semen. Therefore, if prostate is infected, it will affect the quality of sperm. If left  prostatitis untreated, it’s likely to cause infertility in men.   Actually, in semen of  chronic prostatitis  patients, they do are some changes. Due to the influences of bacteria and viruses, the nutrition of semen is consumed and the PH value is changed too, so the possibility for sperm to fertilize with egg is reduced. However, there also are some men with chronic prostatitis still have excellent reproductive ability. What makes chronic prostatitis patients infertile? Firstly, if a men is infected by prostatitis, the change of prostate fluid composition makes semen changes too, which leads to sperm hard to live and move. In addition,   the liquefy time of semen increases, so that the sperm is hard to meet with egg. Sec

How To Deal With Chronic Prostatitis?

Chronic prostatitis is a stubborn disease among men under the age of 50. It has been a big problem to men. As the pressure of work and life becoming heavier and heavier, it’s hard for them to deal with both physical and mental problems. What they desire most is a efficient method to eliminate the annoying symptoms and keep the disease away from them efficiently. Though there is no certain treatment that can cure it with no doubt, men can still try the following treatments to treat this disease. Antibiotic  Antibiotic is one of the most typical treatments on clinic, it can cure the disease quick and effective. But as we know with long-term application of antibiotics, some diseases may develop strong resistance, so with the abuse of antibiotic, more and more antibiotics are useless. Sometimes, even the symptoms become milder, it sooner become severer. Furthermore, the side-effect of antibiotic is huge which can damage kidney’s function, so patients should take antibiotic carefully. Diet

It's Important To Attach Importance to the Preventions of Recurrent UTI

UTI is the abbreviation of urinary track infection. Both men and women can be infected by this disease. Though the symptoms in men and women have some differences, what they have in common is that the disease can bring much discomfort to them. Their life and work can be affected severely. Many patients may find that UTI is easy to recur, and there are many risks of getting this disease, so it’s essential to know how to prevent it efficiently. Commonly, UTI is an infection in the urinary tract. Infections are caused by microbes—organisms too small to be seen without a microscope—including fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Bacteria are the most common cause of UTI. Normally, bacteria that enter the urinary tract are rapidly removed by the body before they cause symptoms.  So, how to   prevent recurrent UTI ? According to some experts, changing some daily habits may help a person prevent recurrent UTI. Urination Habits Don’t hold urine. A person should urinate often when the urge arises. If