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It's Important To Attach Importance to the Preventions of Recurrent UTI

UTI is the abbreviation of urinary track infection. Both men and women can be infected by this disease. Though the symptoms in men and women have some differences, what they have in common is that the disease can bring much discomfort to them. Their life and work can be affected severely. Many patients may find that UTI is easy to recur, and there are many risks of getting this disease, so it’s essential to know how to prevent it efficiently.

Commonly, UTI is an infection in the urinary tract. Infections are caused by microbes—organisms too small to be seen without a microscope—including fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Bacteria are the most common cause of UTI. Normally, bacteria that enter the urinary tract are rapidly removed by the body before they cause symptoms. 

So, how to prevent recurrent UTI? According to some experts, changing some daily habits may help a person prevent recurrent UTI.

Urination Habits
Don’t hold urine. A person should urinate often when the urge arises. If urine stays in the bladder for a long time, the bacteria can grow easily. Women and men should urinate shortly after sex to flush away bacteria that might have entered the urethra during sex. What’s more, after using the toilet, women should wipe from back to front. This step is most important after a bowel movement to keep bacteria from getting into the urethra.

Diet Habits
Drinking plenty of water to increase urination can help flush bacteria out of the urinary system. Most people should try for six to eight, 8-ounce glasses a day. A person who has kidney failure should not drink this much water. A health care provider should be consulted to learn how much fluid is healthy.

Clothing Habit
Don’t wear tight clothes. It’s better to wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes to keep the area around the urethra dry. Tight-fitting jeans and nylon underwear should be avoided because they can trap moisture and help bacteria grow.

Birth Control
Women who use a diaphragm for birth control can increase the breeding of bacteria , then lead to UTI. A woman who has trouble with UTI should try switching to a new form of birth control. Nonlubricated condoms or spermicidal condoms increase irritation, which may help bacteria grow. Switching to lubricated condoms without spermicide may help prevent UTI.

In addition to pay attention to the living habits, patients shouldn’t ignore the medication treatment as well. Herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has already cured many sufferers with UTI, it has a good reputation. Many patients   take this medicine because they prefer to cure the disease more naturally to avoid the side effects to their body. By taking this pill, the bacteria in your body can be killed efficiently since the herbs in the pill have the properties of clearing away heat and toxins, and the urinary disorder can be eased for the pill has the function of promoting diuresis and relieving stranguria. Commonly, the disease can be cured within 3 months.

If you want to consult about you disease and condition, you can send an e-mail to Dr. Lee, who has 30 years of experiences on curing the urinary system diseases:

If you want to know more about Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, please visit the website:

More information about UTI, you can visit the website:


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