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Showing posts from July, 2016

What You Should Know About Recurring Glandular Cystitis After Surgery

Glandular cystitis , a special type of chronic cystitis, can cause many discomfort to patients. Its symptoms include recurrent urinate frequency and urgency , pain during urination, having blood in urine, abnormal pain in lower abdomen and perineum , pain and swelling around the opening of urethral orifice , abnormal pain on the pubic area and perineum, painful sexual intercourse.   Although this disease has been proven can be radically cured by Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill , a herbal pill without any side effects(which also is a treatment with low relapse rate), more and more people tend to choose surgery like electrocision or electrocautery. Surgery, as one of the most common way of glandular cystitis, also has its advantages and disadvantages. And the high relapse rate is its biggest disadvantage. In order to prevent the recurring rate, it’s necessary to take measures to the avoid the disease. Here are the preventions you need to know. 1. Eat more diuretic food Diuretic food

Herbal Medicine Is Worth-Trying To Cure Prostatitis

We all know that prostatitis is hard to cure completely especially a chronic one. Common treatments like antibiotics, pain killers, physical therapy, dietary therapy have no obvious curative effect on some patients. Therefore, to find a new method to   cure prostatitis shows great importance. Herbal medicine named  Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill  is a pill used to cure all kind of prostatitis( prostatitis has four types: acute bacterial prostatitis,  chronic bacterial prostatitis ,  chronic nonbacterial prostatitis  and Chronic prostate pain syndrome). This herbal medicine has many remarkable functions. It not only can promote blood and qi circulation, release pain, but also can clear away heat and toxic materials, dissolve stasis and dissipate hard lumps. We all know that prostatitis commonly is caused by bacterial infection, bad living habits such as long-term sitting, frequent masturbation, etc. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, as a kind of TCM , has same advantages that

How To Deal With Burning And Frequent Urination In Men ?

Burning and frequent urination is a phenomenon that urinate more often than usual and feel burning sensation when urinating. It’s usually caused by UTI or prostatitis. Antibiotics are commonly used for curing this symptom. However, not all patients can be fortunate and have a radical cure. That’s because of its side effects and drug resistance. Compared with antibiotics, herbal medicine shows its great advantages on curing the root of the disease and eliminating the symptoms.    Subhuti Dharmananda, a director of Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon, stated in his article, “Unlike antibiotic therapies, which are known to have no impact on the symptoms of urinary urgency, urinary frequency, and bladder pain, the Chinese herb therapies may have therapeutic functions that differ from merely inhibiting the bacterial activity. Most of the herbs utilized for the bladder syndromes are aimed at alleviating a condition defined as ‘damp heat of the lower burner’.” Herbalist Li X

TCM For Curing Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis

Chronic nonbacterial  prostatitis is a stubborn disease for men because of its complicated causes. Many cases have showed that antibiotics are easily to come out drug resistance if taken for a long time. Besides, this king of long-term treatment can also bring liver and kidney damages to patients. Therefore, a proper treatment is needed to cure this chronic disease.       Symptoms of  chronic nonbacterial prostatitis Patients with this disease have to suffer from a series of symptoms, such as blood in the urine or semen, painful bowel movement and ejaculation, pain in the low back, above the pubic bone, between the genitals and anus, the tip of the penis, and the urethra. They also have to live with annoying urinary disorders like difficulty or straining to urinate, need to urinate a lot at night, pain or burning with urination, frequent or urgent urination,.  Treatment for patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis Some patients ignore the importance of taking a timely treatment

The Reasons Why Epididymitis Can Affect Sperm Quality

Though the medical technology has been improved greatly, some diseases are still difficult to be cured radically, thus, patients’ normal life can be affected severely.  For example, epididymitis , a kind of common disease in men, can influence the sperm quality. Many married young men have problem of low sperm quality because of this disease. Here are the reasons why epididymitis can affect sperm quality.   Firstly, the motility of sperm will decrease because of epididymitis. As for the epididymis infected by pathogenic bacteria, some pathogenic bacteria may do harm to sperm in duct of epididymis directly so that the motility of sperm will be inhibited; other pathogen may adsorb on the surface of sperm to reduce the motility of sperm. Also, the toxin coming from pathogen kills some weak sperm, which leads to high mortality of sperm. Secondly, epididymitis makes sperm get trapped. Some medical expert has ever pointed out that epididymitis becomes an important factor of forming antisperm

Food Therapies For Patients With Acute Prostatitis

Acute prostatitis  is an inflammation of prostate gland, it usually occurs suddenly. Patients with this disease have to suffer from a lot of symptoms. In fact, not all acute prostatitis patients need to take medications to cure the disease. Mild patients can have food therapies to get rid of it. Here are the therapies that can be helpful for you.    1. Common rush and bitter gourd soup The patient can take six ties common rush and fresh bitter gourd 200 grams, and then remove flesh and core of the bitter gourd, and cut it into small pieces. Then, the patient can cook them into soup. 2. Dandelion and honeysuckle porridge The materials are: Dandelion 60 g, honeysuckle 30 g, rice 100g, several amount of sugar. Working process: Take the dandelion and honeysuckle into the casserole, add amount of water and then take the medicine juice into the rice to boil into porridge. Add several amount of sugar into the porridge; take it 2 times a day. 3. Rhizoma smilacis glabrae porridge Take 30 g Rhiz

Treatments For Epididymitis

Epididymis is an important reproductive organ of males. If it’s infected, it will cause many discomfort to men. Epididymitis is the epididymis infecttion. The symptoms appear suddenly and patients can suffer from discomfort like testicle pain and tenderness, swollen, red or warm scrotum , painful intercourse or ejaculation, a lump on the testicle. Patients with scrotal pain or testicular require immediate examination in order to identify and quickly treat potential cases of testicular torsion. Although most cases of torsion occur in patients aged 12-18 years, testicular torsion should be considered in any patient aged 12-30 years who presents with a scrotal complaint. Obtain immediate urologic consultation if unable to clearly differentiate testicular torsion from epididymitis or other scrotal pathology. Epididymitis is treated with antibiotic therapy, supportive care, and pain killers for pain control, which includes scrotal elevation and support, application of an ice pack, and, in

How To Get A Radical Cure Of Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a common disease in men. Once infected, male patients’ normal life will be severely affected. The causes of this disease are varied. Though there are many treatment for chronic bacterial prostatitis , many patients reflect that the curative effect is not obvious. After reading this article, you will know the main causes and efficient treatment for the disease.   The causes of  chronic prostatitis  are as follows: 1.The pathogenic bacterial of prostatitis mainly are escherichia coli, bacillus proteus, crayresearch coli, and pseudomonas aeruginosa. 2.Urinary tract infection is the main way leading to prostate infection. Some infections are uncommon such as catheter related bloodstream infection, Adjacent tissue infection and Lymphatic way infection etc. 3. Calculus of prostate and intraprostatic urinary reflus (IPUR) can be the important cause of pathogens remaining and recurring infection. 4. Chlamydia trachomatis and ureaplasma urealyticum are also a c

Home Remedies for Patients With Orchitis

Orchitis is an inflammation of testicle which can cause many discomfort to male patients, such as swelling in one or both testicles, pain ranging from mild to severe, tenderness in one or both testicles, fever, nausea and vomiting. Pain is usually the most unbearable one among the symptoms. So it’s essential to find methods to relieve  the pain efficiently. Home remedies for orchitis have been found very effective in the treatment of this disorder that is marked by the swelling in one or both of the testicles. Proper medical treatment along with the right kind of home care will help to relieve the symptoms of orchitis . You can try the home remedies below to relieve the symptoms. Natural herbs Echinacea and cocaine leaf are said to be good for orchitis. With the property of antisepsis, both of these herbs can be used to ease pain and inflammation.   Dandelion Power By consuming dandelion, either in tea or by using the leaves in salads will help to relieve pressure on the testicles. B

How Does Herbal Medicine Release The Symptoms Of Prostatitis?

Prostatitis can cause many discomfort to male patients, it can severely affect patients normal work and life. Patients are complaining about the unsatisfying curative effect of the treatments they are taking. So it’s essential to find an efficient treatment to cure this disease radically.   The common symptoms of prostatitis   1. Pain Prostatitis can cause painful condition, such as burning pain on posterior urethra, pain on anus and perineum can spread to groin, penis and testicles. Sometimes, it also can spread to abdominal area. 2. Sexual dysfunction The pain caused by prostatitis can lead to the reduction of sexual desire. What’s more, it can also cause impotence and premature ejaculation. Thus, it’s necessary to pay enough attention to the treatment of prostatitis. 3. Urinary symptoms Prostatitis can cause a series of urinary symptoms like urinary frequency and urgency, painful and burning urination, a need to urinate a lot at night, and even bloody urine. Herbal medicine used for

How To Cure Chronic Epididymitis?

Chronic epididymitis is an inflammation of epididymis. Patients woth this disease will suffer from a series of symptoms, such as a swollen, red or warm scrotum, testicle pain and tenderness, painful intercourse or ejaculation, a lump on the testicle, enlarged lymph nodes in the groin, pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen or pelvic area, blood in the semen, etc. Here are three steps to eliminate these symptoms.   Eliminating infection or inflammation Since most chronic epididymitis are caused by infection, patients can take antimicrobial susceptibility test to choose a proper treatment. If the chronic epididymitis is caused by bacteria, it can be cured by antibiotics or Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill . If it is caused by mumps virus, men should take anti-virus pills. killing pain Pain is the most unbearable one among all of the symptoms of chronic epididymitis. Because of the pain, patients’ libido will be reduced. They may lose their sexual ability and it can greatly affect t

To Cure Pain Caused By Prostatitis, You Can Take Herbal Treatment

Prostatitis is a disease that can affect male patients both physically and mentally. It’s difficult to be cured radically because of its complicated causes and high recurrent rate. Patients who are suffering from this disease can have many annoying symptoms , especially pelvis and genital pain. The untreated prostatitis can easily develop into chronic prostatitis . Chronic prostatitis can cause severe pain. Sometimes prostatitis was believed to be a sexually transmitted disease, but more recent research suggests that only a small number of cases are passed on through sex. More cases are caused by personal body condition. When prostatitis occurs, it may cause discomfort and pain in the abdomen, around the anus, in the groin, or in the back. These painful areas can severely affect patients’ normal life and work. If you notice you have abnormal pain in the areas mentioned above, it’s necessary for you to go to see a doctor and get diagnosed. If it’s caused by prostatitis, you need to tak

Seminal Vesiculitis Is Easy To Recur

Seminal vesiculitis is a common disease in men. With high recurrent rate, the disease is difficult to be cured permanently. Patients with this disease are curious about its recurrence and have strong desire of getting rid of it as soon as possible. After reading this article, you may know more about seminal vesiculitis and the reason why it’s easy to recur. Commonly, patients have to suffer from a series of symptoms like frequency and urgency, dysuria, blood in semen, decreased libido, premature ejaculation, even male fertility if left untreated. And commonly, in the early of the disease, patients can not feel obvious symptoms, only have symptoms like urinate frequency etc. Thus, patients usually take antibiotics to relieve these symptoms. Due to the drug resistance, the disease is easy to recur with this treatment. Besides, patients need to take several courses of antibiotics treatment. Thus, seminal vesiculitis is easy to develop into chronic seminal vesiculitis, which make the dise

Measures For Avoid Recurring Chronic Prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis  is a male disease with high recurrent rate. The treating course of the disease is longer the a acute type. So patients usually have to live with the symptoms for a long time because of the repeatedly recurrence. In order to avoid the recurrence, patients have to take measures to prevent the disease. Here are the preventions of recurring prostatitis . 1.Avoid long-term sitting Sitting for too long is easy to cause congestion to the perineum and pelvic, which is possible to cause prostatitis recurrence. Also, do not stay up late, staying up late will decrease resistance to disease. You need a strong body condition to fight against disease. 2.Do not hold urine Urinate in a timely manner is conducive to the recovery of prostate. holding back urine can easily lead to urine reflux into the prostate tube which can lead to inflammation. It also may lead to the formation of prostate stones. 3.Avoid eating spicy food Spicy food and wine can expand blood vessels, so that t