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Treatments For Epididymitis

Epididymis is an important reproductive organ of males. If it’s infected, it will cause many discomfort to men. Epididymitisis the epididymis infecttion. The symptoms appear suddenly and patients can suffer from discomfort like testicle pain and tenderness, swollen, red or warm scrotum, painful intercourse or ejaculation, a lump on the testicle.

Patients with scrotal pain or testicular require immediate examination in order to identify and quickly treat potential cases of testicular torsion. Although most cases of torsion occur in patients aged 12-18 years, testicular torsion should be considered in any patient aged 12-30 years who presents with a scrotal complaint. Obtain immediate urologic consultation if unable to clearly differentiate testicular torsion from epididymitis or other scrotal pathology.

Epididymitis is treated with antibiotic therapy, supportive care, and pain killers for pain control, which includes scrotal elevation and support, application of an ice pack, and, in some cases, spermatic cord block. Commonly, the disease can be cured within one to two weeks. However, if left it untreated or if the treatment is not timely, the acute epididymitis can develop into a chronic one. Under this situation, the methods mentioned may take no effect.

Recently, a new medicine called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has proven to have good curative effect on curing this disease. This patented medicine is made from herbs so it will do no harm to the body. The herbs in the pill have the functions of clearing away heat and toxins, promoting the circulation of blood and qi, eliminating the inflammation and pain. With the comprehensive functions, the root of the disease can be cured radically. It’s an efficient treatment for chronic epididymitis.

In addition to the medication, patients should also pay more attention to their living habits, such as no smoking and alcohol, no spicy and stimulating foods, avoid having excessive sexual life. Having a healthy lifestyle can be beneficial to the recovery of epididymitis.  


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