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Food That Rich In Vitamin C Can Be Benificial To Prostate

As we all know that prostate plays an important role in male reproductive system. If it’s infected, males will suffer from many discomforts. A healthy prostate can keep males in a good state. However, not every man can keep his prostate in good health in his whole life. This small gland will change by many reasons. Therefore, it’s necessary to take measures to prevent it from infecting. Researches showed that vitamin C is beneficial to the health of the prostate. Here are 3 advantages of vitamin C when working on keeping prostate healthy.   

Vitamin C can help to cure bacterial prostatitis

Scientists from the University of Maryland Medical Center have found that vitamin C can prevent the growth of bacteria which can infect the prostate. Some doctors recommend consumption of 500 mg vitamin C per day to cure the prostatitis. It has good effect on relieving the symptoms.

Reduce the risk of prostate enlargement

Vitamin C is found abundantly in vegetables, cauliflower, kale, peppers, broccoli, and peas. Mayo Clinic said that consumption of vitamin C in vegetables may reduce the risk of prostate enlargement. Daily amount of vitamin C that is recommended for adult males is 90-2000 mg per day.

Reduce the risk of prostate cancer

National Cancer Institute says that a person who eat vegetables which is rich in vitamin C like broccoli tends to have lower risk for developing prostate cancer. Besides, Prostate Cancer Foundation reported that consume 400 grams of broccoli per week can help to stop the growth of tumors in prostate cancer.

In addition to take more vitamin C, males should also take regular exercise to enhance the immunity and self-healing ability. Pay attention to the daily diet is also necessary. Thus, patients need to reduce the intake of cholesterol, fat, coffee and alcohol. If unfortunately you have infected with prostate disease like prostatitis, you can take herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to cure it. You can have a radical cure by taking this pill.

If you want to consult about you disease and condition, you can send an e-mail to Dr. Lee, who has 30 years of experiences on curing the urogenital system diseases:


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