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What You Should Know About The Effects Of Prostatitis

We all know that prostatitis can bring a series of pain and discomfort to patients. The annoying symptoms can affect patients’ quality of life and cause mental problem to them. Many patients think this disease is common and ignore the timely treatment. In fact, if left untreated, the disease can bring many effects to patients. Here are the common effects that men need to know.  

1.Affecting work and life
Those symptoms like dull pain on perineum, testicles and lumbosacral portion, urinary frequency and urgency, and difficult urination caused by prostatitis can make men annoyed and affect the quality of work and life at last.

2.Affecting sexual function
Due to the incomplete treatment, the aggravated symptoms and discomfort can affect men's sexual lives on both feelings and quality. Thus, the pain can leas to impotence and premature ejaculation.

3.Affecting men's reproductive ability
Long-term stimulation caused by prostatitis makes the composition of prostatitis fluid changed. So not only the liquefy time of semen can be prolonged, but also the survival rate of sperm can be affected. Infertility is the final consequence of this disease.

4.Making wives sick
Patients with prostatitis also can spread the infection to wives via sex, especially when prostatitis is caused by some specific bacteria. Those inflammations are mould prostatitis, trichomonal prostatitis, and gonorrhea prostatitis, etc.

The effects of prostatitis are heavy. Patients’ normal life can be severely influenced. How to deal with the disease and avoid being affected? You don’t need to worry about the disease too much since a newly natural medicine named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has proven to have good curative effect on curing prostatitis. The pill is made from natural herbs so it has no side effects like drug resistance and tolerance. Therefore, patients can keep a continuous treatment by taking this herbal medication.


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