Prostatitis is the most common male disease. Males with this disease have to live with much discomfort. Because of its complicated causes, the disease is hard to be cured radically. If the disease can’t cured in time or not be cured completely , it can lead to other complications, UTI is just one of them. Patients usually have serious urinary disorders like frequent and urgent urination, painful and burning when urinating, need to urinate a lot at night, difficulty of urination. Here are the methods which can be beneficial to cure UTI symptoms caused by prostatitis. Drinking blueberry and cranberry juice may help you avoid urinary tract infections Many studies have found that drinking cranberry juice may help you avoid urinary tract infections. The studies indicate that cranberry juice prevents infection-causing bacteria from bedding down in your bladder. Without the reduced bacteria of the bladder, the symptoms of UTI can be released gradually, even be cured...