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Showing posts from August, 2016

Risk Factors Of Interstitial Cystitis In Women

Interstitial cystitis is an excruciating disease which has high morbidity in women. Patients with this disease can be very suffering and their life quality can be affected severely. As we know that cystitis can cause urinary disorders to patients, the damages of interstitial cystitis are severed than cystitis. It’s said that patients with this disease have to urinate 60 to 80 times during the day and 10 to 30 times at night. They can’t work and sleep as normal people.    The exact causes of interstitial cystitis are unknown. It’s that reason why this disease is hard to be cured radically. Patients should take medicines every day until the disease cured. Otherwise, the annoying symptoms can make them painful. In addition to the medication, patients also need to pay attention to their living habits, such as drink more water, change the underwear frequently.    Risk factors for interstitial cystitis in women: 1.Women who get pregnancy, because of changes in anatomy and physiology (a UTI

Do You Know The Reasons For Frequent Urination At Night

How Long Does Hematospermia Last?

Causes Of Sharp Pain After Sexually Active In Men

Reasons For Frequent Urination At Night In Men

How Can Patients Deal With Chronic Prostatitis?

It’s not a secret that chronic prostatitis is a annoying and stubborn male disease. If males attach no importance to the health of prostate, it’s very likely to be infected by chronic prostatitis. Though the medical technology is greatly improved, this disease is still hard to be cured radically. Conventional treatments like antibiotics are easily to develop side effects and kidney damages. Thus, patients should try other methods to treat this disease. The good news is chronic prostatitis in not an incurable disease. Comprehensive treatment, which combined traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine, is the most efficient treatment accepted by most of patients at present. Here are the specific methods:  1.Patients need to take prostate fluid bacterial culture and drug sensitive test so that they can be prescribed proper medicines to eliminate the pathogenic bacteria.  2.Physiotherapy can be used to change the permeability of vascular wall, thus, it can promote the circulation o

Preventions Of Seminal Vesiculitis

Seminal vesiculitis is an inflammation of seminal vesicle. Patients can have burning sensation in urethra, discomfort in perineum and lower abdomen, blood in semen, sexual dysfunction, and even infertility. In order to avoid the damages of this disease, it’s necessary to know the ways to prevent seminal vesiculitis.     Causes of seminal vesiculitis Seminal vesiculitis can be caused by bacteria, such as escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, and hemolytic streptococcus pneumoniae. The inflammation in urinary track or intestinal tract can cause the occurrence of this disease. The inflammation of other parts can infect the seminal vesicle through the circulation of blood. Commonly, it can also be induced by other urogenital system diseases.  Preventions of seminal vesiculitis Because the secretion of seminal vesicle is one of the main ingredients of semen, so the inflammation can influence the quality of sperm directly. That is to say, the disease can affect male fertility. Therefore,

How To Relieve The Symptoms Of Prostatitis?

Prostatitis , the big enemy of males, can bring unbearable pain and discomfort to patients. Since these symptoms can severely affect patients’ life quality, it’s necessary to find some methods to relieve the symptoms so that patients can have a relief. Here are 3 methods that can help to relieve the symptoms of prostatitis.       1.Thermal therapy  The effect of thermal therapy is mainly produced by a variety of physical methods which can promote the circulation of prostate blood and accelerates the metabolism. It’s beneficial to eliminate the tissue edema and relieve the spasm  of pelvic muscle.  2.Prostate massage  Prostate massage is usually used to relieve the prostate pain. Research showed that moderate prostate massage can promote the emptying of prostatic duct and increase the local concentration of medicine, and then relieve the clinical  symptoms of prostatitis .   3.Herbal medication To relieve prostatitis symptoms, medication plays an important role. A newly natural medicine

Food That Rich In Vitamin C Can Be Benificial To Prostate

As we all know that prostate plays an important role in male reproductive system. If it’s infected, males will suffer from many discomforts. A healthy prostate can keep males in a good state. However, not every man can keep his prostate in good health in his whole life. This small gland will change by many reasons. Therefore, it’s necessary to take measures to prevent it from infecting. Researches showed that vitamin C is beneficial to the health of the prostate. Here are 3 advantages of vitamin C when working on keeping prostate healthy.    Vitamin C can help to cure bacterial prostatitis Scientists from the University of Maryland Medical Center have found that vitamin C can prevent the growth of bacteria which can infect the prostate. Some doctors recommend consumption of 500 mg vitamin C per day to cure the prostatitis . It has good effect on relieving the symptoms. Reduce the risk of prostate enlargement Vitamin C is found abundantly in vegetables, cauliflower, kale, peppers, broc

How Does Seminal Vesiculitis Lead To Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is an embarrassing problem for men. This disease can bring severe damages to male patients, such as erectile dysfunction, mental pressure and even infertility. Recently, a research showed that seminal vesiculitis can bring premature ejaculation to men. Here, I will explain the reasons why it can lead to premature ejaculation. According to some researches published recently, diseases such as prostatitis , UTI, seminal vesiculitis and some other reproductive do can bring some negative effects on premature ejaculation which is also known as PE. But how does the seminal vesiculitis lead to PE to men?  It is easy to know that seminal vesiculitis is an inflammation or infection of one or both vesicular glands. Seminal vesiculitis is mostly caused by E. Coli, streptococcus hemolyticus, and staphylococcus aureus. Once men have this problem, he can experience blood congestion on prostate gland.  And you will know that when having sexual intercourse, lots of organs need t

What You Should Know About Male Infertility

When we hear the word “ infertility ”, the first thinking comes to our mind is female reproductive issues such as blocked fallopian tubes, abnormal eggs, genital infections, endocrine disorder, etc. In fact, male reproductive diseases can also lead to infertility.                                                                   Yet we often don't hear much about problems on the man's side. “These men are often young,” says Jeanne O’Brien, MD, an associate professor of urology and male infertility at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York. “There’s often a stigma associated with being unable to reproduce, and many men this age don't like to go to doctors and avoid it if they can.” It’s a pity for them to refuse to go to see a doctor and get a treatment, because in many instances, the cause of the infertility can be identified and corrected. Male infertility affects about one in 20 men. It can result from many causes, ranging from the infected testicles, dila

How To Cure Prostatitis Naturally?

Many prostatitis patients are worried about the rest of their life will depend on medicines, and most of them lose the confidence on curing this disease. In fact, there are many natural food can help to cure prostatitis. After reading this article, you will know the properties of these food.   1.Palmeto Palmeto can work well on  curing prostatitis . It can help to relieve pain in pelvic and genital areas, clear the urinal tract, eliminate swelling and eradicate the pathogenic bacteria that caused the infection. Besides, it can also solve the painful urination. 2.Pumpkin seeds    Pumpkin seeds are widely used as a kind of home remedies. It can promote qi and eliminate the inflammation. It can’t be used alone and has to be consumed along with milk or honey that works in improving the immunity of men thereby overcoming inflammation. 3.Tomato Tomato is known as a kind of healthy vegetable. It contains lycopene which has the properties of anti-aging and improving the health of prostate glan

It's Important For Men To Know More About infertility

Though people’s living standard has greatly improved, the various causes can still make people sick. They have to face the pressure and busy work so that they have little time to pay attention to their health conditions. Some married men have problem of infertility . It’s really a disease that can affect men mentally. In order to prevent the disease, men should know more about the disease.    The causes of infertility 1.Having problem in making sperm. The quantity and quality of sperm are affected.   2.Abnormal sperm shape or structure. It can prevent it from moving correctly so that it will be difficult for sperm to reach the egg and fertilize it. 3.Sometimes a man is born with the problems that affect his sperm. 4.Other problems start later in life due to illness or injury. For example, cystic fibrosis often causes infertility in men. Treatments of infertility 1.Have a surgery if the sperm transport plumbing is impedient. 2.Hormonal abnormalities can sometimes be treated with medicin

How To Cure Male Infertility Caused By Chlamydia?

Infertility  is a disease that can be caused by various factors. Many male patients with this problem are urgently to find an efficient treatment to cure it radically. In fact, to cure this disease, to find out its cause is the most important thing that patients need to do. Chlamydia is one of the causes of male infertility.      Although it is said that sexually transmitted diseases usually exist among females, a research conducted by British scientists showed that there are nearly 10% young males are infected by chlamydia, five times of the results from the previous studies. According to the other researches, whether in the US or UK, only half males and three quarters females are not infected. You may get a question that how such a tiny creature does this terrible thing. In fact, chlamydia can block the fallopian tubes so that the union of sperm and egg can be prevented or making the sperms lose energy on their way to fertilization. Of course, increasingly advanced medical developmen

Males Should Pay Attention To The Factors Of Prostate Congestion

Prostate congestion is a phenomenon that the blood flow in the prostate tissue exceed the normal. Some patients don’t know the harm of this phenomenon, in fact, it can lead to prostatitis . Thus, it’s necessary to prevent the prostate congestion so that the prostatitis can be avoided. After reading the following article, you may know how to prevent it in your daily life.     Factors of prostate congestion 1.Irregular living habits. Both frequent sexual lives and excessive masturbation will cause the prostate to be congested abnormally. While if the sexual life is controlled exceedingly, it will lead to long-term automatic excitement, causing prostate congestion. 2. Long-term pressure at the area of perineum. Long-term riding and sitting will injure the perineum repeatedly and cause prostate congestion, especially long-term bicycle riding.  3.Unhealthy eating habits.  TCM  takes the view that wine, cold food and fried food could cause damp and hot from one’s body, accumulating in the r

Something Important About Orchitis

Orchitis is an inflammation in male testes. Though it’s a common disease in men, many male patients don’t know much about disease. Once they noticed the abnormal signs of testes, they may be worried about the disease too much. In fact, the disease is not so horrible and it can be cured efficiently. Here is a brief introduction of ochitis. 1. Symptoms of acute orchitis High fever; Nausea or Vomiting;  Sudden onset of Testicular Pain. 2. Symptoms of chronic orchitis Swelling testicle; Pain when touching testicle; Shrinking testicle.  3. Complications of orchitis may include:  Testicular atrophy. Orchitis may eventually cause the affected testicle to shrink. Scrotal abscess. The infected tissue fills with pus. Repeated epididymitis . Orchitis can lead to recurrent episodes of epididymitis. Infertility. In a small number of cases, orchitis may cause infertility; however, if orchitis affects only one testicle, infertility is less likely. Herbal medicine for orchitis Though antibiotics are

What You Should Know About The Effects Of Prostatitis

We all know that prostatitis   can bring a series of pain and discomfort to patients. The annoying symptoms can affect patients’ quality of life and cause mental problem to them. Many patients think this disease is common and ignore the timely treatment. In fact, if left untreated, the disease can bring many effects to patients. Here are the common effects that men need to know.   1.Affecting work and life Those symptoms like dull pain on perineum, testicles and lumbosacral portion, urinary frequency and urgency, and difficult urination caused by prostatitis can make men annoyed and affect the quality of work and life at last. 2.Affecting sexual function Due to the incomplete treatment, the aggravated symptoms and discomfort can affect men's sexual lives on both feelings and quality. Thus, the pain can leas to impotence and premature ejaculation. 3.Affecting men's reproductive ability Long-term stimulation caused by prostatitis makes the composition of prostatitis fluid chang

Prostatitis Symptoms Can Be Released By Home Remedies

Prostatitis is a disease that can bring patients many unbearable symptoms. The annoying condition can make patients suffer from long-term pain and discomfort. Once infected, timely and radical treatment is needed. If left untreated, the disease can induce other complications like epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis , sexual dysfunction, etc.   In fact, prostatitis is not difficult to cure. And some homes therapies have been proven to be effective on alleviate it. Here are three alternative methods that can be helpful for relieving the symptoms of prostatitis.   Balneotherapy Bath therapy actually is a kind of physical therapy, but because it requires no medical equipment, patient can operate it at home by himself; it is the most effective treatment methods worthy of promoting. Put about 40% of the water (hand placed into water cannot feel hot) into the basin, half of the basin is enough. Every time sit about 10 to 30 minutes, then add the appropriate amount of hot water when the water te

Daily Measures For Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is an embarrassing disease for male patients. Many patients don’t want to go to the hospital to have a treatment because of the awkwardness. In fact, the delay on curing can lead to heave damages to the body. A timely and radical treatment is needed if noticed the signs of the disease. Here are the preventions that you can take to keep yourselves from being infected. Preventions of premature ejaculation. 1.Pay more attention to the daily diet. Avoid eating spicy and stimulating foods. Eating more fresh vegetables and fruits. 2.Don't wear jeans or tight pants frequently. Medical research proved that male genital system works better at low temperatures. Wearing jeans frequently will rise the temperature of partial area. It can do harm to the formation of sperm. So, it's not suitable to wear jeans and tight pants frequently, especially at summer and wet weather. 3.Do self-examination regularly. Medical researches showed that diseases like testicular cancer a